Meet world’s richest woman, she is heiress to 4920000 crore company, her net worth is…4Фото©

Meet world’s richest woman, she is heiress to 4920000 crore company, her net worth is…

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Alice Walton, the heir of Walmart has regained her position as the richest woman in the world, this is based on a recent Forbes list. Walton, 74, now has an estimated worth of USD 89.1 billion, a little more than Meyers who has USD 88.4 billion.

This latest change of positions only underlines the fact that the two leading heiresses are still swapping positions from time to time for the past few years.

Meyers first won the title in 2019, but was unseated by Walton in 2020. The competition began early this year when Julia Koch of Koch Industries briefly dethroned Walton to the third position in the list. Koch came into her wealth after the demise of her husband, David Koch. However, the latest emergence of Walton has brought her back to the list of top most female billionaires.