G20 Finance Ministers agree to work toward effectively taxing the super-rich© thehindu.com

G20 Finance Ministers agree to work toward effectively taxing the super-rich

, 4 știri, 3 vizualizări

Finance Ministers from leading rich and developing nations agreed Friday to strive toward effectively taxing the super-rich, a joint ministerial declaration said.

“With full respect to tax sovereignty, we will seek to engage cooperatively to ensure that ultra-high-net-worth individuals are effectively taxed,” the declaration said after the two-day meeting in Rio de Janeiro.

Brazil has made a proposal to impose a 2% minimum tax on billionaires a top priority of its presidency of the Group of 20, ahead of the Nov. 18-19 summit in Rio.

We don't want to see this shifted to the UN,
Janet Yellen,
G20 agrees to tackle taxation of the super-rich, but forum not yet…