Not here as celebrity, am here as mother: Beyonce at Kamala Harris’s Houston rally3Foto©

Not here as celebrity, am here as mother: Beyonce at Kamala Harris’s Houston rally

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The singer began by addressing her Texas roots as she said, “H-town! We are so happy to be standing here on this stage as proud country Texan women, supporting and celebrating the one and only Vice President Kamala Harris.” She described Harris as “A woman who’s been pushing for what this country really needs right now: unity. It’s impossible to not feel the energy in this room. The positivity, the community, the humanity,” as reported by Variety.

The Single Ladies songstress explained that she is there as a mother who’s worried about the future of America and where her children will grow up. She stated, “We are at the precipice of an incredible shift, the brink of history. I’m not here as a celebrity. I’m not here as a politician. I’m here as a mother. A mother who cares deeply about the world my children and all of our children live in.”

She continued, “A world where we have the freedom to control our bodies. A world where we’re not divided. Our past, our present, our future, merge to meet us here. Imagine our daughters growing up seeing what’s possible with no ceilings, no limitations. Imagine our grandmothers, imagine what they feel right now. Those who have lived to see this historic day.”